This winter season is flying by and markets will be here before we know it. We're going to undergo many changes this year. Jeffrey married Lydia on Dec. 4th and they have moved a mile down the road. At this time, we are unsure if Jeffrey will stay working on the farm. Whatever the decision, our blessings go with them.
Jesse and Sarai will be taking over some of our markets for Jeffrey and Lydia. Jesse did a really good job last year and Sarai adds the feminine touch to the stand! Selah (7) will be in real training. So far, she has had the job of restocking the stand during market. Now we're going to attempt to train her in the money department. Pray for us! :)
Right now, we are in the process of ordering seeds, pots, plants, soil, compost and manure. Busy time, planning crops and how much of each item to plant; estimated yields, pricing and labor to harvest.
Winter is also our time to travel to conferences to learn about organic growing of vegetables and flowers. It's also our time to sit up late with cups of coffee devouring seed catalougs, vegetable books and other ways to grow our crops! The day you stop learning is the day you die!
You'll have to forgive us for not updating this blog very much in the summer months. Markets keep up quite busy and not alot of spare time to do updating!