Thursday, December 23, 2010

Starting a New Year

This winter season is flying by and markets will be here before we know it. We're going to undergo many changes this year. Jeffrey married Lydia on Dec. 4th and they have moved a mile down the road. At this time, we are unsure if Jeffrey will stay working on the farm. Whatever the decision, our blessings go with them.
Jesse and Sarai will be taking over some of our markets for Jeffrey and Lydia. Jesse did a really good job last year and Sarai adds the feminine touch to the stand! Selah (7) will be in real training. So far, she has had the job of restocking the stand during market. Now we're going to attempt to train her in the money department. Pray for us! :)
Right now, we are in the process of ordering seeds, pots, plants, soil, compost and manure. Busy time, planning crops and how much of each item to plant; estimated yields, pricing and labor to harvest.
Winter is also our time to travel to conferences to learn about organic growing of vegetables and flowers. It's also our time to sit up late with cups of coffee devouring seed catalougs, vegetable books and other ways to grow our crops! The day you stop learning is the day you die!
You'll have to forgive us for not updating this blog very much in the summer months. Markets keep up quite busy and not alot of spare time to do updating!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Winter is Here!

Markets are finally over and now we can have a long-awaited rest! Just joking! Our Winter CSA and winter deliveries are just beginning. Starting Nov. 2nd we will be delivering to 2 locations in KC. Tuesdays
Crowleys Furniture Mart parking lot - 10am-11:30am
BriarCliff Village (Green Acres parking lot) - 12:00pm-1:30pm
Check out our available produce list by emailing us at

We have 5 greenhouse planted and full of winter and heat-loving crops. 3 of those greenhouses are heated with our new water boiler system. They are kept at a constant temperature to produce heat-loving vegetables in the middle of winter. 2 of our greenhouses are cold houses where cold crops are grown. (lettuce, bok choy, spinach, carrots etc.) We are excited about the new boiler system and we're going to put it to the test this winter!
We will have a new addition to our family coming in December! Our oldest son, Jeffrey, is going to get married to Lydia Sellers. December we will gain a daughter and a new farm hand! Unfortunatly, Sellers Home Baked Goods will lose a baker!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Fall is Approaching

Here on the farm, fall is approaching and with that, winter planning and planting is upon us. We have several greenhouses and hoophouses that we will fill to the brim with veggies for the winter. Check out our Winter CSA information or stop by our stand and pick up a flier.
Sweet potatoes are being dug up, apples are picked, pumpkins brought in from the fields, squashes stored in bins, fields are being put to rest for the winter months, cover crops sown, and last minute repairs being done before winter. Wood is being cut and chopped for the cold winter nights ahead. No rest for the weary!
Looking forward to slowing down a little in the winter months.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Summer Time

Sweating, Planting and Picking....
With the temperatures and humidity soaring, planting and picking are taking more time due to having to take several breaks to cool off. We tried a heat tolerant lettuce and we are pleasantly suprised! We hope all our customers are as happy with it as we are. It flies off the table at market so I think you all are! We are in the middle of planting the fall crops now, the work is never done! The chickens don't like the weather either, they aren't laying as well as they usually do. So please forgive us if we run out of eggs before the end of the markets.

Watermelon, Cantaloupe and sweet corn are the big sellers right now...but tomatoes beat them all hands down!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Providence Farms CSA

We highly encourage anyone who is considering joining our CSA to do so as soon as you can. Spots are filling up and we can accept only a limited amount. Being our first year, we want to make sure we have enough for our CSA and our Farmer's Markets so we want to be extra cautious.
It's a great plan for those on a budget and can be paid with an EBT card as well. The extra ten percent off will stretch the grocery budget a little further this summer. We will also be offering a Winter CSA this fall for those of you who like greens, onions, cabbages, kohlrabi etc. in the winter. Just something to look forward to later in the year!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Almost Market Time

Market time is almost here! It seems like it has been a long winter. We're excited by joining several new markets and starting one of our own! The previous blog lists our new CSA. If you just enlarge it you will find it most useful this summer. Here is a list of the markets we will be participating in this summer.

NEW! Kearney Farmer's Market
Between the McDonalds and Shell Gas Station right off the interstate
Tuesdays 7am-noon

Liberty Farmer's Market
Crowleys Furniture Mart Parking Lot
Wednesdays 7am-noon

NEW! Gladstone Farmer's Market
vacant parking lot off 70th Street (behind Margaritas Mexican rest.)
Wednesday evenings 3:00pm-7pm

Illius Davis Park Farmer's Market
(Government Building Farmer's Market)
10th Street & Oak in the park
Thursdays 10:30am-1:30pm

BriarCliff Village Farmer's Market
Green Acres parking lot
Thursdays 3:00pm-7:00pm ( we are usually there by noon)

Independence Farmer's Market
Saturdays 5:00am-1:00pm

Historic Downtown Liberty Farmer's Market
Clay County Courthouse on the square
Saturdays 7am-noon

Come see us at any of our markets and use the new CSA at any market we participate in.

Providence Farms CSA

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Providence Farms Under Constrution

Here on the farm we have been very busy! Several greenhouses that need to be built and plastic put on. Well, we just about got them both done now. We finally got the main structures done and got the plastic on. Now we are in the process of finishing the ends to warm up the tunnel to be able to plant. We're planting an early crop of tomatoes and bell peppers and hot peppers and eggplant in the tunnels that just got erected.
We've also been butchering lots of chickens! We've done 200 now! I think we have enough to sell through the summer for awhile. Just email us an order for some All-Natural, Hormone-Free, Range-Free chicken meat. $3.00 lb.
Our Nursery greenhouse is so overflowing! We have now put all the overflow into 2 other greenhouses. It is delaying the planting of those greenhouses but we have no other choice. Unfortunatly the weather has not cooperated and we have not been able to get crops in the fields. Hopefully we will be able to soon!
We are also busy running back and forth to KC for all the Farmer's Market meetings. We're very excited about all the new additions this year! We will be participating in the new Gladstone Farmer's Market as well as possibly starting up a new market in Kearney! That makes 7 markets for our family! Pray for us!
Thank you for all the customers who have been making this winter a success for us when coming down to KC every week to sell our produce. Sometimes it's pretty nasty weather and you all still come anyway!
If you look at the previous blog, I took some pictures of the high tunnels going up!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Trying to Stay Warm on the Farm

Here on the farm, we have to keep those precious little seedlings warm all the time. Even at night! That job falls on my husband, Gerry. The 4 boys are quite busy every day trying to keep up with the demand of wood. It seems those 300 gallon barrel stoves have an incredible appetite at night. Especially when it is below zero. These are the times that my girls and I are quite happy to be females! In our family, outside chores in the winter fall on the men to accomplish. The women folk stay inside where it is warm and make sure the men have hot meals to come in the house to eat.
We have taken some pictures so you can see our largest tunnel 28x200 without the plastic on and some of the other greenhouses that are being heated right now. We have alot of greens growing in them along with radishes, swiss chard and onions. Peppers, tomatoes, lots of herbs, leeks and salad mixes.
Gerry took some pictures of the cows so everyone can see the cows from which they get their milk and dairy products from. Daisy is the brown Jersey and Anna Belle is out in the pasture too. Little Maggie is one of our Holstien-Jersey heiffers that loves the attention of the little girls who still bottle feed her twice a day. There's never a dull moment at our farm. The men are busy trying to assemble a new 32x95 greenhouse in the MUD! The weather just doesn't want to cooperate with our schedule these days!
We're in the process of getting a website and working on Twitter and Facebook so be patient.