Sunday, March 28, 2010

Almost Market Time

Market time is almost here! It seems like it has been a long winter. We're excited by joining several new markets and starting one of our own! The previous blog lists our new CSA. If you just enlarge it you will find it most useful this summer. Here is a list of the markets we will be participating in this summer.

NEW! Kearney Farmer's Market
Between the McDonalds and Shell Gas Station right off the interstate
Tuesdays 7am-noon

Liberty Farmer's Market
Crowleys Furniture Mart Parking Lot
Wednesdays 7am-noon

NEW! Gladstone Farmer's Market
vacant parking lot off 70th Street (behind Margaritas Mexican rest.)
Wednesday evenings 3:00pm-7pm

Illius Davis Park Farmer's Market
(Government Building Farmer's Market)
10th Street & Oak in the park
Thursdays 10:30am-1:30pm

BriarCliff Village Farmer's Market
Green Acres parking lot
Thursdays 3:00pm-7:00pm ( we are usually there by noon)

Independence Farmer's Market
Saturdays 5:00am-1:00pm

Historic Downtown Liberty Farmer's Market
Clay County Courthouse on the square
Saturdays 7am-noon

Come see us at any of our markets and use the new CSA at any market we participate in.

Providence Farms CSA

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Providence Farms Under Constrution

Here on the farm we have been very busy! Several greenhouses that need to be built and plastic put on. Well, we just about got them both done now. We finally got the main structures done and got the plastic on. Now we are in the process of finishing the ends to warm up the tunnel to be able to plant. We're planting an early crop of tomatoes and bell peppers and hot peppers and eggplant in the tunnels that just got erected.
We've also been butchering lots of chickens! We've done 200 now! I think we have enough to sell through the summer for awhile. Just email us an order for some All-Natural, Hormone-Free, Range-Free chicken meat. $3.00 lb.
Our Nursery greenhouse is so overflowing! We have now put all the overflow into 2 other greenhouses. It is delaying the planting of those greenhouses but we have no other choice. Unfortunatly the weather has not cooperated and we have not been able to get crops in the fields. Hopefully we will be able to soon!
We are also busy running back and forth to KC for all the Farmer's Market meetings. We're very excited about all the new additions this year! We will be participating in the new Gladstone Farmer's Market as well as possibly starting up a new market in Kearney! That makes 7 markets for our family! Pray for us!
Thank you for all the customers who have been making this winter a success for us when coming down to KC every week to sell our produce. Sometimes it's pretty nasty weather and you all still come anyway!
If you look at the previous blog, I took some pictures of the high tunnels going up!